About Us

Welcome to Our Saviour’s/Fahlun Lutheran Parish. Our Church’s mission is to be free in Christ who share God’s love with our community and our world. We are proud members of Augustana Lutheran District and Lutheran Congregations in Mission for Christ.

As part of these bodies, we subscribe to these statements of both LCMC and Augustana District.

We primarily serve our LORD in our homes and our workplaces as we see God in Christ active around us. Then, on Sunday (typically at 9:00 am at Our Saviour’s or 10:30 at Fahlun), we then gather together as a body to hear God’s Word through the proclamation of the forgiveness of sins and encourage one another through prayer.

On the first and third Sunday of the month, we serve Holy Communion where all who are baptized are welcomed.

As part of worship, we also have Sunday school at each congregation. We do have Confirmation each Wednesday at 7pm at Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church.

We also have an active Women of the Word (WOW) at both churches.

Finally, we support a variety of missions to include Knute Nelson, Douglas County Food Shelf, Love INC, and many others.

Join us this Sunday morning either 9:00 am at Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church or 10:30 am at Fahlun Lutheran Church.

Our Pastor

Pastor Jeremy Pedersen is honored to have served Our Saviour’s and Fahlun Lutheran Church since September 1, 2012. He comes from a farm in southwest Iowa. After attending Wartburg College in northeast Iowa, he volunteered at a church camp in England through the ELCA’s Young Adults in Global Mission program in England.

After this experience in England, he attended Luther Seminary in St. Paul, MN. During this time, he also served a congregation in Osceola, Nebraska. Then, ordained in February 2011, he first served in Kuwait as a Minnesota National Guard Battalion Chaplain in Kuwait.

After finishing this full-time tour in May 2012, he started serving Our Saviour’s and Fahlun Lutheran Churches on September 1, 2012.

On September 1, 2019, Pastor Nate Hanson served as interim while Pastor Jeremy returned to Kuwait to serve with the Minnesota National Guard in support of the 34th Infantry Division.

Returning from that deployment on September 1, 2019, Pastor Jeremy now continues to serve Our Saviour’s and Fahlun Lutheran Churches while continuing to serve part-time as a senior command chaplain for the 34th Infantry Division of the Minnesota National Guard.

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