Sunday after Christmas Hymn Sing

Merry Christmas

This Sunday, we will have one service to include a Christmas Hymn Sing at 1030 am at Fahlun.

Here is the bulletin.

In this Christmas Season, I especially ask that you keep these three families in your prayers.

First, for Gaylord Nack’s family as we had his funeral service on December 9 at Our Saviour’s.

Second, for Terry Swanstrom’s family.  We had his Memorial Service on Tuesday, December 19 at 130pm at Anderson’s Funeral Home In Alexandria.

Third, for Jerry Jensen’s family.  His funeral service was Saturday, 23DEC2023 Our Saviour’s.

As I have shared in the past, I really appreciate this version of Luther’s Small Catechism.  It reads well on a mobile device. 

Have a very Merry Christmas

Pastor Jeremy

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