Here is the bulletin and insert for this upcoming Sunday.
14th Sunday after Pentecost (03SEPT2023) 03SEPT2023
We will look at Matthew 16 and call from the Jesus to “Take up our cross and follow” him. I will link what how Jesus died and was risen to our baptism using the Small Catechism and Romans 6.
Like prior Sundays, I appreciated this podcast from Luther House of Studies and this podcast from my old professor from my seminary days.
I also love a lot of the articles and podcasts on, and commend them for your devotional enjoyment.
Finally, I found this article connecting repentance and parents quite interesting—esp. as the author lives on a farm near Fergus Falls and attends a Lutheran Church.
We will continue our outdoor services each Wednesday at 6pm at Our Saviour’s. All are welcome as we listen to Scripture in Paul’s letter to the Romans. We will continue these Wednesday services through September 27.